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Steel Tanks for Fuel Storage

Fuel Storage Tank Options

Due to the recent need for fuel storage brought on by Hurricane Sandy, Portable Tanks, a division of Water Storage Tanks has created a list of in-stock tanks that are on the shelf and ready to ship to your location. All tanks can be used for fuel storage applications and are made from a high-strength steel material for durability and longevity.

Questions? We can help! Call us: +1-863-261-8388 or contact us to discuss your project.

Secondary Containment

secondary containment bermsFor tanks that do not include built-in secondary containment, we also offer several Secondary Containment Berms that can be used for containment of fuel and other chemicals. Berms are available with aluminum angle, foam wall and a combination of foam and aluminum angles to successfully capture your materials. Multipe sizes and styles available. Learn More

Steel Fuel Tank Models:

For more information on some of the in-stock tanks listed above, please check out the following information:

underground storage tanksUnderground Steel Fuel Tanks*: The underground fuel tanks are designed for robust, below ground fuel storage of flammable storage materials. Tanks are typically horizontal with either a single or double wall feature, depending on your application. Tanks are equipped for diesel or gasoline.


underground tanks with dikeAbove Ground Double Walled Tanks*: Steel above ground double walled tanks are also available in several different models including the Fireguard. Models with the built-in dike will typically include a containment area that is fully equipped to handle 110% of the contents of the tank.

Flexible Water Tank Options:

flexible water tankIn addition to the steel options featured here, we also offer a Flexible Tank equipped to store potable and non-potable water. Sizing for the tanks and availability will vary with increasing demands. Please let us know the size and quantity need so we can check with our in stock supply.

Questions? We can help! Call us: +1-863-261-8388 or contact us to discuss your project.